I’m so honoured to have been featured in a recent CREB® (Calgary Real Estate Board) article and to be the inaugural recipient of the Glenna Marshall-Roth CREB® Rookie Volunteer of the Year Award! 
Volunteering with CREB® has been an incredible journey for me, expanding my understanding of governance; community impact, meeting amazing colleagues, and for my own personal growth.
It is a privilege to view organized real estate through a different lens and the impact that decisions have on us members, the public and the future of our industry.
“Coming from Venezuela, I value my voice and vote. And I believe that to truly make an impact, you have to get involved,” Ávila says.
“I have so much respect for everyone who puts themselves out there, as this is work that comes with dedication and responsibility, but also with scrutiny.”
"Generosity comes in many different ways, depending on your life stage,” she says. “Whichever way you can give back is always appreciated and leaves a bigger impact than you think.”
Ready to make your next move in real estate? Let's connect!

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Featured in CREB® "Generosity in Governance" Article